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Controlling Washington Spending

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from
Indiana (Mr. Bucshon) for 5 minutes.

  Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to remind the American people
why we're here. We're here today because of the failure of the 111th
Congress to pass a budget for the first time in decades. You might
think that for one party that controlled the White House and both
Chambers of Congress, this would be a relatively easy thing to do, but
you have to try. In an effort to protect a few powerful committee
chairmen and other incumbents in their own party, they made a political
decision not to pass a budget because it had a $1.5 trillion deficit
attached to it. You can't run and you can't hide from the American

  Now, even after the people have spoken in November, they are
continuing to protect the status quo, protecting out-of-control
Washington spending, and offering no solutions of their own other than
raising everyone's taxes and demagoging anyone who puts forward a plan.
Again, I would like to see their plan.

  I began running to represent Indiana's Eighth Congressional District
in October of 2009, an endeavor I had never undertaken before. I was a
practicing physician, cardiothoracic surgeon. I decided to seek public
office because of our government's inability to control spending. Let's
remind everyone where the status quo has led us. It has led us to
historic unemployment and a mounting debt that is mortgaging the future
of our children and grandchildren.

  But yesterday, our counterparts in the Senate and the White House
showed different intentions. I can't stand before you today in good
conscience not advocating for the men and women who have volunteered to
wear the uniform of our great Nation. A notion that a bill to fund the
troops for the remainder of the fiscal year is being threatened by a
veto is preposterous.

  This challenge to fix our government's spending habits is above
politics and talking points. While I stand here today in the people's
House, individuals are playing petty politics while we offered a
solution yesterday that pays our troops and avoids a government

  We passed H.R. 1 with a modest $61 billion down payment on
controlling Washington spending, and we have been criticized in the
face of a $1.5 trillion deficit. I implore the Senate and the White
House to join with us here in the House and act to significantly reduce
spending and avoid a government shutdown.

  And I offer one last observation since I am new to Congress, a
continuing frustration that I am finding here in Washington, D.C., and
that is I am amazed by the resistance of some in Congress to tackling
this problem, especially the fact that some continue to find excuses
why we can't even consolidate programs and downsize government and make
things more efficient here in Washington, D.C. at the very least. But I
found this at a committee hearing the other day when the Democrats
continued to make excuses after a Government Accountability Office
report showed the excesses that we have here in Washington, D.C.

  This is a serious issue we face together as a Nation. I began this
conversation when I began running for Congress almost 2 years ago, and
it's a conversation I continue to have with my constituents. This is an
adult conversation about facts and our future.

  Until we come to a solution that will put hardworking Americans and
Hoosiers back to work and our government begins to act in a responsible
manner when it comes to our Nation's fiscal issues, I will continue to
have this conversation with my constituents and with the American