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Dr. Bucshon’s Maternal Health Legislation Passes Committee, Readied For a Vote on the House Floor

(Washington, D.C.) –
Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) released the following statement after the House Energy and Commerce Committee unanimously passed the Maternal Health Quality Improvement Act (H.R. 4995),  bipartisan legislation he joined Congressman Eliot Engel (NY-16) in introducing, out of committee.  H.R. 4995 contains the text of bipartisan legislation, the Excellence in Maternal Health Act (H.R. 4215), that Dr. Bucshon introduced with fellow Hoosier Congressman Andre Carson (IN-07)

“As a physician and a father of four, I understand the importance of ensuring the health of mothers during pregnancy and after the delivery of newborns,” said Dr. Bucshon. “This is a critical time for both the mother and the child as a new life is brought into the world. Indiana has an unacceptably high maternal mortality rate state-wide, ranking third in the country. We must do better in our approach across the entire nation, especially in rural America, to use best practices and provide necessary resources to stop preventable maternal mortality. I believe this bipartisan legislation will benefit patients and communities that are currently struggling by providing them with the support and training they so desperately need, and by helping ensure that women in rural areas can have access to maternal health providers.”

“Helping more mothers celebrate their child’s first birthday through better healthcare is a critical part of my Next Level agenda. I am grateful to have federal partners, and Congressmen Bucshon and Carson’s leadership dedicated to tackling this issue, and I’m confident we can work together to help Hoosier moms and babies achieve better health outcomes.” Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb


The Maternal Health Quality Improvement combines the provisions of the following bipartisan bills:

·       The Excellence in Maternal Health Act (H.R. 4215), introduced by Congressmen Bucshon and Carson, which authorizes grants to identify, develop, and disseminate maternal health quality best practices, supports training for health professionals, and authorizes grants for operating innovative evidence-based programs that deliver integrated services to pregnant and postpartum women. 

·       The Rural MOMS Act (H.R. 4243), which expands initiatives to address maternal health in rural areas by providing funding for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to establish rural obstetric networks for improving outcomes in birth and maternal morbidity.