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Bucshon Joins Indiana Republicans in Calling on Biden Administration to Secure Energy Supply, Prevent Summer Blackouts

EVANSVILLE Ind. – U.S. Congressman Larry Bucshon M.D. joined the Indiana Republican Congressional Delegation in calling on the Biden Administration to secure the nation’s energy supply and prevent potential summer blackouts that could devastate Hoosier families, workers, and industry. 

In their letter to U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Richard Glick, the members strongly urged the Biden Administration to reverse course on its anti-energy agenda to combat rising fuel prices and restore energy stability. Given reports of likely blackouts this summer, the members outlined significant concerns about the potential ramifications for Indiana’s vital manufacturing workforce. 

“The escalating energy crisis has spurred significant ramifications for hardworking Hoosier families, workers, and industry. As we head into the heat of summer, rising prices for electricity and critical fuels, including gasoline, diesel, natural gas, and coal, are further burdening homes and small businesses across Indiana,” the members wrote. “At the same time, recent reports from entities charged with overseeing the U.S. electric grid have raised serious concern for potential supply shortages and power outages this summer due to insufficient resource capacity. As one of the largest manufacturing centers in the nation, Indiana relies on a secure, reliable, and resilient electrical grid to produce American-made goods and sustain a robust workforce.” 


As a solution, the members pressed the U.S. Department of Energy and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to forgo unsustainable environmentalism goals and bolster Indiana’s energy security by restoring a robust “all-of-the-above” approach to harness the full potential of American-made energy sources. Reliable and resilient energy sources, they wrote, will lower costs, restore stability, and make our nation safer and stronger.  

“Given the urgency of this crisis, we request an update on the Biden Administration’s plans to prevent summer power outages and blackouts, and to restore our nation’s grid to a reliable and secure future. A dependable power grid is vital not only for Americans’ economic prosperity, but also our nation’s leadership and competitiveness in the 21st century,”  they continued.


Recently, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), Inc. have issued reports indicating the Midwest could be at high risk of reliability issues this summer due to factors spurred by the Biden Administration’s policies that have forced a transition away from traditional energy sources. 

The full letter is available here and below. 

June 17, 2022


Dear Secretary Granholm & Chairman Glick:


The escalating energy crisis has spurred significant ramifications for hardworking Hoosier families, workers, and industry. As we head into the heat of summer, rising prices for electricity and critical fuels, including gasoline, diesel, natural gas, and coal, are further burdening homes and small businesses across Indiana. At the same time, recent reports from entities charged with overseeing the U.S. electric grid have raised serious concern for potential supply shortages and power outages this summer due to insufficient resource capacity. As one of the largest manufacturing centers in the nation, Indiana relies on a secure, reliable, and resilient electrical grid to produce American-made goods and sustain a robust workforce.


Recently, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) issued an alarming assessment that the Midwest is at very high grid reliability risk due to a confluence of factors, including the notable transition away from base-load coal and nuclear power plants. In NERC’s estimation, the Midwest region could face a 2.3% shortfall compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, the Midcontinent Independent Service Operator (MISO), which manages grid reliability for almost all of Indiana, has sounded alarms about the consequences of the administration’s burdensome regulations for critical base-load power supplies.


The radical transition away from traditional fuel sources has exacerbated current grid vulnerabilities, leaving families and manufacturers susceptible to an unexpected generation supply shock. Rather than dismiss domestic energy sources, we must prioritize an “all-of-the-above” strategy to utilize all resources available. Whereas a hasty reliance on untested technologies could leave our constituents vulnerable during demand surges or inclement weather, a full range of fuel sources will shore up our energy security and protect Hoosiers from disruptions.


Stable and reliable forms of energy are critical for hardworking Hoosiers who already are facing record- breaking economic burdens. Instead of pushing unsustainable environmental extremism, we have an opportunity to pursue commonsense solutions to lower costs, maintain stability, and make our nation safer and stronger.


Given the urgency of this crisis, we request an update on the Biden Administration’s plans to prevent summer power outages and blackouts, and to restore our nation’s grid to a reliable and secure future. A dependable power grid is vital not only for Americans’ economic prosperity, but also our nation’s leadership and competitiveness in the 21st century. We appreciate your expeditious attention to this pressing issue and look forward to hearing the Biden Administration’s plans to prevent avoidable power outages this summer.