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Rep. Bucshon Releases Statement on Today’s CPI Report, Democrats Plan to Increase the Cost of Living

WASHINGTON – U.S. Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (R-Ind.) issued the following statement after the Consumer Price Index (CPI) report showed inflation remained at a forty-year high of 8.5 percent which is up 13.7 percent since President Biden took office: 


“Since President Biden took office, Hoosiers’ cost of living has hit historic highs. For more than a year, Washington Democrats have enacted multiple massive spending packages that are causing the American economy to suffer. Today’s report showed that while inflation held for the month of July, prices are still at 40-year highs. Now Democrats in Congress are gearing up to jam through hundreds of billions of dollars in additional spending on Green New Deal initiatives and government price fixing, while raising taxes for millions of Americans and American businesses. 


“Our economy isn’t suffering because Washington has spent too little of taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars or taxes are too low on hardworking families and businesses on Main Street – it’s suffering because Democrats in Congress have spent too much and are consistently trying to raise taxes.  If a patient is in the Intensive Care Unit, and their condition has stopped deteriorating, that does not mean that they are now completely healthy. The same principle applies here to our economy. If Democrats in Congress go through with their misguided tax-and-spend legislation this week, our economy will only continue to get sicker.”