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Bucshon Votes Against End of Year Spending Package

WASHINGTON–Representative Larry Bucshon, M.D. released the following statement after voting against the end of year spending package.

“While there were positive aspects of the year-end spending bill, including language from myTRIUMPH for New Moms Act to help support maternal mental health and my Timely Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Act to improve access to addiction treatment, I ultimately could not vote for a package that serves largely as a vehicle for outgoing Democrats’ pet projects and lacks many important reforms. Congress should be focused on the issues that affect the American people every day, rather than recklessly adding to our country’s debt and assisting in the steady riseofour costofliving.

“It has been nearly 3 months since the fiscalyearended, government funding should have been done months ago. Instead, Congressional Democrats are ramming through billions more in unnecessary Washington spending that will ultimately increase inflation, further our energy crisis, and more. In fact, this Congress, House and Senate Democrats are responsible for increasing spending by $10 trillion and it will be up to everyday Americans to foot the bill. I look forward to the 118th Congress, where House Republicans will be in the majority and can work to get costs down, wages up, and policies across that benefit Hoosier families and businesses on Main Street,”said Dr. Bucshon.