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VIDEO: Rep. Bucshon Advocates for Hoosiers, Fights High Energy Costs

WASHINGTON – Senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Representative Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.-08) attended the first full committee hearing yesterday to advocate and explore the benefits, opportunities, and approaches to expanding American energy and energy technology for Hoosiers. 


“My constituents in Southwest Indiana need access to reliable, affordable, and environmentally sustainable energy. All of us want to breath clean air, clean water to drink, and clean land to utilize and enjoy in the future. This, however, should not be at the expense of affordable and reliable energy,” said Dr. Bucshon.


During the hearing, Dr. Bucshon asked the witnesses about the investment climate for the energy sector and the role of the federal government in facilitating expanded baseload capacity for our grid. 


Click here to watch his full remarks and questions.