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Congressman Larry Bucshon votes to Cut Spending

Congressman Larry Bucshon votes to Cut Spending

Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN-08) voted today in favor of H.J. Res 48 – Further Continuing Appropriations Amendments.  This is the short-term, stopgap funding of the Federal Government for three weeks.  

Congressman Bucshon States:

            “I was sent to Washington, D.C. with the instruction to cut spending.  My vote today did just that by cutting $6 billion over a three week period.  Previously, I voted in favor of H.R. 1 that would cut $61 billion for the remainder of FY 2011 and it is unfortunate that our colleagues in the Senate have failed to adopt a longer-term funding measure.  In order to avoid a government shutdown, I previously voted for a two week extension that cut $4 billion dollars, making the total amount of cuts $10 billion over five weeks.

In passing this short-term, continuing resolution, I also realize that we cannot continue down this path to fund our government for the remainder of FY 2011.  I am committed to cutting spending; we must provide certainty for all Americans by being fiscally responsible in Washington, D.C.
