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Indiana Delegation Supports Governor's Request for Major Disaster Declaration

WASHINGTON –– Representative Larry Bucshon, M.D. (Ind.-08) joined Senators Todd Young and Mike Braun and Representatives Frank Mrvan (Ind.-01), Rudy Yakym (Ind.-02), Jim Banks (Ind.-03), Jim Baird (Ind.-04), Victoria Spartz (Ind.-05), André Carson (Ind.-06), Greg Pence (Ind.-07), and Erin Houchin (Ind.-09) on a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to support Governor Eric Holcomb’s request for a major disaster declaration for Johnson, Morgan, and Sullivan counties due to severe weather on March 31-April 1, 2023. 


“Five Hoosiers lost their lives, while 34 more were injured; over 106,000 power outages occurred; 165 structures were destroyed while 157 more sustained major damage; road systems have become impassable due to downed trees and utility infrastructure; and countless vehicles and private property have been damaged or destroyed. While these Hoosier communities and families will respond with resourcefulness and resilience as they always do to challenges, it is clear that in the immediate aftermath of these storms, federal assistance is necessary and required under the terms of the Stafford Act and associated federal regulations,” the Indiana congressional delegation wrote in the letter.


The letter can be found here and below:


April 10, 2023


Dear President Biden,


We write today in support of Governor Eric J. Holcomb’s request for an expedited major disaster declaration as a result of major storms that impacted Indiana on March 31-April 1, 2023.


While the State of Indiana has exercised its emergency operations plan, the Governor has determined that the severity of the storms exceed the capabilities of the State and affected local governments to respond.  No less than 25 tornadoes touched down in Indiana, as part of a larger storm system that unleashed severe thunderstorms and flooding across the state. 


While the total impact of these storms is still being determined, sufficient tragic facts are known that warrant the declaration of a major disaster.  Five Hoosiers lost their lives, while 34 more were injured; over 106,000 power outages occurred; 165 structures were destroyed while 157 more sustained major damage; road systems have become impassable due to downed trees and utility infrastructure; and countless vehicles and private property have been damaged or destroyed.  While these Hoosier communities and families will respond with resourcefulness and resilience as they always do to challenges, it is clear that in the immediate aftermath of these storms, federal assistance is necessary and required under the terms of the Stafford Act and associated federal regulations. 


We support the Governor’s request for supplementary federal assistance for the people and communities of Johnson, Morgan, and Sullivan counties, and request that you expand assistance to additional counties in the future as requested by the Governor, should it be required. 


Indiana’s congressional delegation stands ready to support your response to these storms and your consideration of this request. We thank you for the support already offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other federal authorities, and request your swift consideration and approval of this declaration for the State of Indiana.