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Dr. Bucshon Votes to Fund the Government, Defund ObamaCare

On Friday, the House passed H.J.Res 59 the Continuing Appropriations Resolution for 2014, which continues funding the government and defunds the Affordable Care Act.

Representative Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-8) released the following statement regarding the passage of H.J.Res 59:

“While passing a Continuing Resolution is not an ideal outcome, the bill we passed today serves two fundamental and vital functions: it prevents a government shutdown and protects American families from the harmful impacts of the Affordable Care Act. 

“As I traveled across the 8th District over August, I consistently and clearly heard from Hoosiers that the Affordable Care Act is damaging, harmful, and costly to families and it must be defunded.  This message has resounded across the country and the House listened.

“This short-term CR funds our country’s obligations, protects families, and avoids a government shutdown. Now it is time for the Senate to act.”