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ICYMI: Dr. Bucshon Named Recipient of the 2024 American Medical Association Award for Outstanding Government Service

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Larry Bucshon, M.D. (R-IN-08) was presented with the American Medical Association (AMA) Award for Outstanding Government Service – United States Representative, for his years of work on issues critical to patients and physicians. This award recognizes Dr. Bucshon’s relentless efforts to prevent devastating Medicare physician payment cuts and his leading advocacy for tying the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule to the Medicare Economic Index.

“Throughout his time in Congress, Dr. Bucshon has fought for legislation that improves health care for patients and removes burdens on physicians,” said AMA Board Chair Willie Underwood III, M.D., MSc, MPH. “A physician first, he has drilled down on key problems in our health system and sought bipartisan solutions that can benefit us all. When he leaves Congress after this term, he will take incredible, irreplaceable knowledge–institutional and health care–with him. It is an honor to present Dr. Larry Bucshon with the AMA Award for Outstanding Government Service.”

In a press release, the American Medical Association wrote: “Dr. Bucshon has also been one of the strongest voices in Congress for legislation to protect patients from unfair and expensive surprise medical bills. He cosponsored bipartisan legislation that included an independent dispute resolution process (IDR)–a key element of the No Surprises Act–which is vital to settle payment disputes between providers and insurers, while keeping patients out of the middle. Additionally, as a physician, Dr. Bucshon recognizes the time-consuming, onerous burdens of prior authorizations, which too often get in the way of patient care. Accordingly, he has championed legislation, the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act, which would make it easier for seniors to get the care they need and improve health outcomes by modernizing the antiquated prior authorization process in Medicare Advantage.”

Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. represents Indiana’s 8th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives and is a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
