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Dr. Bucshon on House plan to avoid a government shutdown

On Sunday, the House passed legislation to avoid a government shutdown by finding common ground with the Senate.  The House measure is a reasonable and responsible continuing resolution that delays ObamaCare for a year, repeals the medical device tax, and ensures our troops gets paid if the President and Senate Democrats force a government shutdown.

Rep. Bucshon released the following statement regarding the responsible plan passed by the House today:

“House Republicans believe this approach can and should find common ground with Senate Democrats and the White House,” said Bucshon. “Hoosiers have made it clear: they don’t want a government shutdown and they don’t want ObamaCare. This is a reasonable and fair solution. We grant families the same relief from the harmful effects of ObamaCare that the President gave big businesses, repeal the medical device tax, and ensure our troops gets paid if the President and Senate Democrats force a government shutdown. Now it is up to the Senate to do their work on behalf of the American people.”


The medical device tax is a 2.3% excise tax on the medical device industry that was included in ObamaCare to help pay for the law.  To date, the medical device tax has cost over 10,000 jobs that we know of and countless smaller, privately held companies have cut jobs and investments in research and development to deal with this onerous policy.

Indiana is home to over 300 medical device companies, that support over 20,000 Hoosier jobs directly and 28,000 secondary jobs.

“This tax stifles innovation and growth in one of our nation’s most advancing sectors and has already caused companies here in Indiana, like Cook Medical Group, to put plans to expand their operation and create new jobs on hold,” said Bucshon. “Repeal has widespread, bipartisan support. There is no reason the Senate should not approve this measure.” 

Boston Scientific Corporation in Spencer, Indiana announced plans to cut 2,400 positions while Cook Medical Inc. in Bloomington, Indiana put plans on hold to open five new plants here in the United States in the next five years.

The medical device industry was quick to support the House plan saying it will save jobs and protect critical medical innovation.

"Repeal of the medical device tax is critical for Indiana's economy and to patients who benefit from advances in medical technology,” said Michael Mahoney, President and CEO at Boston Scientific Corporation. “On behalf of the 800 Boston Scientific employees in Spencer, IN we thank Congressman Larry Bucshon for his leadership in helping to repeal the medical device excise tax."

“The hundreds of medical device companies of Indiana are grateful for the inclusion of the medical device tax (MDT) repeal in the Continuing Resolution.  Indiana is an international leader in medical device manufacturing, and the repeal of the medical device tax especially will allow the newer and smaller companies to continue the production of innovative life-saving and life-enhancing products,” stated Peggy Welch, the Indiana Medical Device Manufacturers Council Executive Director.  “The repeal will also help Indiana to retain and create quality, good-wage middle-class jobs.  The MDT repeal is a multi-layer win, and we are hopeful that this provision will continue its ride on the CR until the very end.”

Repealing the medical device tax has received broad, bipartisan support in both the House and Senate. In fact, the Democrat-controlled Senate approved a bill to repeal the tax, in the non-binding budget resolution, 79-20 in March.  Just last year, 37 House Democrats joined their Republican colleagues repeal the tax in a bill (H.R. 436) that passed 270-146. (ABC News; 9/28/13) Bucshon was an original cosponsor of H.R. 436 and is an original cosponsor of H.R. 523 similar version introduced in February.

In a press conference earlier this week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) rightfully referred to this 2.3% excise tax on the medical device industry as a, “stupid tax.” Watch the video here -