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Signed into Law: America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018

(Washington, D.C.) –
Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) released the following statement after President Trump signed into law America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (S. 3021) which included his legislation, Promoting Hydropower Development at Existing Nonpowered Dams Act (Section 3003):

“Our water infrastructure is vital to the economic success and prosperity of our nation. This is especially true for Southwest Indiana which is bordered by two major rivers, the Wabash and Ohio Rivers. The America’s Water Infrastructure Act makes important investments that will set in motion improvements to our ports, inland waterways, locks, dams, flood protection, and other critical water infrastructure.

“The Promoting Hydropower Development at Existing Nonpowered Dams Act cuts through the red tape and instructs the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to create an expedited permitting process that will result in a final decision on an application in two years or less. Hydropower provides benefits in the form of jobs, economic investment, improved public health, and resource conservation. It’s also a great source of American-made energy. In the Eighth Congressional district alone, there are six non-powered dams that could be modernized to produce clean energy.”


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