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Congressman Larry Bucshon: No Tax Hikes and No More Spending

Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN-08) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s speech on deficit reduction:

           “I am highly disappointed that the President’s plan to reduce the deficit is based on raising taxes on families and small businesses that create jobs and calls for yet more spending.  President Obama’s approach is full of budget gimmicks, accounting tricks, and empty promises that leads to further dependence on the federal government.  In addition, it does nothing to address the underlying cause of our current and future deficits.   

            While American families have had to tighten their belts, Washington, D.C. should have to do the same.  The status quo is irresponsible, unsustainable, and has added almost $5 trillion to the national debt under the Obama Administration.  Rep. Paul Ryan has released his ‘Path to Prosperity’ that creates an environment for hardworking Americans to get back to work, cuts taxes, and starts paying off our enormous national debt.  This measure is a fact-based approach that provides market based solutions to our most difficult problems while being honest with the American people.”
