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Restoring the Promise of a Better Future - Votes for Budget with $6.2 trillion in spending cuts

Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN-08) voted today in favor of Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s Fiscal Year 2012 budget, cutting $6.2 trillion in spending and reducing the deficit by $4.4 trillion over the next decade. 

Congressman Bucshon states:

“This is another important step toward returning our nation to a path of fiscal responsibility.  This budget will reduce taxes on all families and businesses, control and limit spending, and protect and save entitlement programs while maintaining our promises to current and near-retirement age Americans.  My vote helps to restore the promise of a better future for all Americans.

We cannot continue to saddle our nation’s children and grandchildren with a mountain of debt.  The Ryan “Path to Prosperity”’ budget reduces spending by historic levels, cuts taxes, starts paying off our enormous national debt, and provides an environment for hardworking Americans to create new jobs.  Across America, families have to balance their household budgets and live within their means, I’m proud that Congress has finally begun to do this as well.”

Budget highlights include:

  • A $6.2 trillion cut in government spending over the next decade. 
  • Limits federal government spending to 20% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the post-WWII average.
  • Eliminated hundreds of duplicative programs and earmarks and will bring non-security spending below 2008 levels.
  • Reduces the national debt by $4.4 trillion over the next decade.
  • Eliminates roughly $800 billion in tax increases that were included in the Affordable Care Act.
  • Strengthens and preserves Medicare and Medicaid for future generations while guaranteeing promised benefits to current beneficiaries and those aged 55 or older.
  • Prevents the $1.5 trillion tax increase called for in President Obama’s budget.
  • Creates nearly 1 million new private-sector jobs next year and results in 2.5 million additional private sector jobs in the last year of the decade.

For a full copy of the budget passed by the House today, please visit here.
