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Bucshon Votes to Require a Plan from the President for Balanced Budget

Today, the House passed the “Require a PLAN Act” requiring President Obama to produce a budget that balances within 10 years or provide a supplemental budget plan by April 1, 2013 indentifying the year it will balance.

Congressman Bucshon (IN-08) states:

“The House has now mandated that the Senate Democrats and the President do their job. We forced the Senate Democrats to pass a budget with “No Budget, No Pay” and we are requiring the President to get serious about balancing the budget.

“The House passed legislation today requiring the President to submit a budget plan to Congress that balances, not a budget that results in a trillion dollar deficit each year and pays for record levels of spending with record levels of borrowing and increased taxes.  As we saw last week, spending is the problem - the consequences of out-of-control federal spending have been a shrinking economy and sustained levels of unemployment. The President got the revenue increases he wanted; now it is time to start spending within our means.

“Hoosier families and businesses run on responsible budgets and expect the government to do the same. It is time the President joined with the House to balance the budget so that we can create more jobs and opportunity for the American people.

“The certainty created by a balanced federal budget will help your family at the gasoline pump, the grocery store and work. Ultimately, prices will remain low and wages will climb. As your Representative in Congress, I am working to promote policies that help you and your family live better quality and more prosperous lives.”