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Dr. Bucshon Votes Against Job Crushing Legislation

(Washington, D.C.) –
Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) released the following statement after voting against the Raising Unemployment for Americans Workers Act (H.R. 582), legislation put forth by House Democrats that mandates a 107-percent increase of the minimum wage that could eliminate 3.7 millions jobs:

“Thanks to the conservative, pro-growth economic agenda put forth by the Trump Administration and House Republicans in Congress for two years, the American prosperity economy is flourishing. After nearly a decade of stagnation, family incomes and job opportunities are finally rising once again. In the past few months, the unemployment rate has hit near record lows, wages have increased – particularly for lower-income workers, and there are more job openings than there are unemployed workers.

 “This shortsighted attempt by House Democrats to artificially raise the minimum wage will reverse the economic progress made over the past couple of years and hurt American workers. In fact, the American workers who will be hurt the most will be those looking to get onto or move up from the bottom step on the ladder of economic success – which are those that Democrats claim they are trying to help. The irreversible damage done by this bill could result in an estimated 3.7 million Americans losing their jobs and move our economy backwards. Instead of focusing on minimum wage policies, we should instead be focused on policies that maximize economic opportunities for Americans.” 


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