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Press Releases

Congressman Bucshon Votes In Favor of “No Budget, No Pay”

Congressman Larry Bucshon released the following statement regarding the passage of the “No Budget, No Pay Act of 2012.”

Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN-08) stated:

“Hoosier families and small businesses run on a budget and expect Washington to do the same, yet the Senate has failed to pass a budget for almost four years.  Under the failed leadership of President Obama and the Democrat controlled Senate, we have endured four years of trillion dollar deficits.  The House has led on solving our spending and debt problems by passing responsible budgets since Republicans regained the majority in 2010.

“The first step to any responsible debt reduction plan is to pass a budget, the most basic responsibility of government, which also happens to be the law.  Today, I voted in favor of the No Budget, No Pay Act to require both the Senate and the House to pass a budget, or their pay will be withheld.

“We cannot continue down a path of fiscal irresponsibility risking the downgrade of our nation’s credit and hurting families and small business.  This bill allows us to focus on curing the culture of reckless spending in Washington, DC while putting real reforms in place that will advance a budget that balances within the next 10 years.  It is time for the Senate to join the House in confronting the government’s spending problem so that we can create jobs and help provide financial security for all of our citizens.”
