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Dr. Bucshon Comments on September Jobs Report

The Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report released this morning, shows that the U.S. unemployment rate was at 7.2% in September, while the economy only added 148,000 jobs, lower than what economists expected. 

Rep. Bucshon (IN-08) released the following statement:

“Today’s report is yet another reminder that middle class families are hurting in this stagnate economy.  Health care premiums are on the rise, full-time hours are being cut back to part-time, and industries, like the medical device industry, are paring back their operations because of the President’s unfair and unaffordable health care law. Reckless spending, like the failed stimulus, has caused our national debt to spiral out of control. And new regulations from the President’s EPA are waging a war on coal putting thousands of Hoosier jobs at risk.

“As a doctor, I came to Congress to change business as usual and fight for hard working Hoosiers.  Over the coming weeks, I look forward to working with my colleagues to fight the harmful impacts of ObamaCare, grow the economy, and protect Hoosier jobs.”


4.1 million Americans have been unemployed for 6 months or more and while the total number unemployed is 11.3 million. (BLS; 10/22/2013)

Real unemployment, a measure that includes discouraged workers and those employed part-time who would rather work full-time, was 14.0% and the labor force participation rate was at 63.2%.
(BLS; 10/22/2013)