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Mitchell sponsors National School Choice Week resolution

U.S. Rep. Paul Mitchell (R-MI) on Jan. 27 unveiled a resolution that expressed support for the designation of the week of Jan. 26 through Feb. 1, 2020 as National School Choice Week.

“It is important we continue to work together to empower families with educational options they need to prepare students for future success,” said Rep. Mitchell, who serves as co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Education Innovation and Opportunity.

The congressman sponsored House Resolution (H.Res.) 814 with 10 Republican cosponsors, including U.S. Reps. John Moolenaar (R-MI) and Larry Bucshon (R-IN).

“School choice allows students and their families to choose the educational environment that best serves their individual strengths and needs, and National School Choice Week offers an annual opportunity to celebrate the variety of school choice available for parents, students and educators across the country — from public charter schools, to online academies and homeschooling, and more,” Rep. Mitchell said.

H.Res. 814 has been referred for consideration to the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee.
