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Congressman Larry Bucshon Comments on the November Jobless Rate

(Evansville, IN) – Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN-08) released the following comment in regards to the November jobless rate.  The rate decreased to 7.7 percent, down from 7.9 percent the previous month. 

Congressman Bucshon (IN-08) states:

“The decrease in the unemployment rate should not be celebrated as it was a direct result of more people deciding to give up their search for meaningful work.  The consistently high unemployment is a result of the failed economic policies of the Obama administration.  The tax and spend approach does nothing but hurt working class families and burden our children with more debt.

Hardworking Americans and small businesses are the engines that drive our economy and should not be held hostage by the current Administration.  They should not be asked to send more money to Washington, D.C. just to pay for bigger government and increases in spending.”


For the U.S. House Republicans Jobs Tracker, please click here.

Real unemployment, a measure that includes discouraged workers and those employed part-time who would rather work full-time, was 14.4 percent.

According to CNBC, the labor force participation rate decreased to 63.6 percent from 63.8 percent, remaining close to 30 year lows and representing 350,000 fewer workers.  There were a net 122,000 fewer people without jobs.
