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Congressman Larry Bucshon Comments on the September Jobless Rate

(Evansville, IN) – Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN-08) released the following comment on the September jobless rate.  The rate remained at 9.1 percent, unchanged for three consecutive months.

Congressman Bucshon (IN-08) states:

            “It is disheartening that unacceptably high unemployment no longer comes as a surprise.  I have spent this year listening to Hoosiers and job creators about the uncertainty provided by the federal government.  There is uncertainty created by the government takeover of healthcare, costly and burdensome regulations on small businesses, and wasteful, stimulus spending that the current administration wants to fund through tax hikes.

This year, House Republicans have focused on repealing Obamacare, stopping onerous regulations, and preventing tax hikes on job creators and families.  Until we address the underlying issue of uncertainty that is crippling our job market, employers will not invest in our nation’s economy and workforce.”


On Thursday, October 6, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2681 - Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.  Congressman Bucshon is a cosponsor of the legislation.

The Obama Administration has disclosed that there are 219 economically significant regulations in the works with an economic cost of $100 million each.
