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Dr. Bucshon Calls for an All-of-the-Above Energy Approach to Support the Needs of the American People

(Washington, D.C.) – 
Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) released the following statement regarding today’s Energy Subcommittee hearing, “A Smarter Investment: Pathways to a Clean Energy Future.”

“What we’ve witnessed this week highlights the critical need for an all-of-the-above energy approach to support American families and businesses. A polar vortex has descended on the nation leaving millions without power, and millions more with rolling blackouts due to insufficient energy production. Americans in Texas are living in frigid temperatures inside their homes because the electric grid’s reliability was compromised. During those times when the sun does not shine and the wind does not blow, a diverse and balanced energy portfolio strengthens and secures our energy reliability when it matters most. Furthermore, we are now seeing COVID-19 vaccine doses going to waste because facilities are without power to keep them at the proper temperature.

 “Reliable base load power is paramount to a resilient grid that keeps the lights on, and the energy prices affordable for all hardworking Hoosiers and all Americans. One of the biggest challenges we face is that the marketplace and federal energy policy does not properly value or incentivize power generators to make investments in new capacity or technology needed to maintain a reliable base load power supply.  Traditional sources of energy like nuclear power, natural gas, and coal generated at plants using advanced technology to produce cleaner admissions must be on the table as an option if Democrats really care about net zero emissions. I am disappointed that House Democrats and the Biden Administration continue to push the false narrative that we do not need a base load power supply in order for our economy to flourish, homes and hospitals to have power, and to keep our energy prices affordable.  Our nation’s energy policy doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game forcing us to choose between traditional sources of energy and renewables because the reality is that we need them all to ensure that Americans have access to reliable and affordable energy.”