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Rep. Bucshon Makes a Commitment to America

The House Republican Policy Agenda to build an An Economy That's Strong, A Nation That's Safe, A Future That's Built on Freedom, and A Government That's Accountable

WASHINGTON – U.S. Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (R-Ind.) joins the entire House Republican Conference in unveiling the Commitment to America. This is the House Republican Agenda to build An Economy That's Strong, A Nation That's Safe, A Future That's Built on Freedom, and A Government That's Accountable. 


“With Democrats in control of the White House, Senate, and House, we have seen a Washington-driven top-down approach that fails to address the real concerns of the American people. The Democrats’ agenda has sent the cost of living sky-high, set record high prices at the pump, and neglected to address supply chain and workforce concerns that are crippling our nation. 


“Today, I am proud to join my House Republican colleagues in putting forth the Commitment to America, the House Republican policy agenda to build an An Economy That's Strong, A Nation That's Safe, A Future That's Built on Freedom, and A Government That's Accountable. This is a commonsense policy agenda that is focused on addressing the issues important to American families and businesses on Main Street – not issues important to liberal special interests in Washington,” said Dr. Bucshon.


Dr. Bucshon is the Chair of the Healthy Future Task Force Subcommittee on Doctor-Patient relationships. This serves as part of the Commitment to America’s mission to build a healthier future. In June, the members of the Doctor-Patient Relationship Subcommittee outlined in an op-ed for the Washington Examiner their proposals to improve patient care by allowing providers to focus on patients over paperwork, modernizing antiquated processes that delay patient care, and addressing provider shortages through oversight of health care workforce programs. Click HERE to view the Doctor-Patient Relationship Subcommittee solutions.


To learn more about the Commitment to America, click here or on the image below.