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Dr. Bucshon Calls on Secretary Shinseki to Resign

Today, Rep.  Larry Bucshon, M.D.  released the following statement regarding the Inspector General (IG) report confirming allegations of wait list schemes and data manipulation at the Phoenix VA.

“The new IG report confirms that VA officials have knowingly been negligent in administering care to veterans.  The problems are obviously not isolated and instead systemic within the organization.  In light of this new information it is absolutely clear that VA Secretary Eric Shinseki should resign his post immediately.  New, decisive leadership at the VA is the first step to ensure our veterans receive the care they were promised.” 


Following medical school, Dr. Bucshon spent two and a half years at the VA in Milwaukee, WI during his residency.

In a recent interview with The Washington Times, Dr. Bucshon argued that our nation's veterans shouldn't be limited to the VA for the care they need. Instead, Bucshon asserted that veterans should have the choice of visiting a private hospital and be covered by their VA benefits.

Last week, the House passed H.R. 4031, the Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act of 2014, a bill to hold senior employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) accountable for negligent behavior like “secret” waiting lists and intentional backlog. 

In March, Dr. Bucshon joined his colleague Rep. David Scott (D-GA) to introduce H.R. 4234, the Ensuring Veterans Resiliency Act, a bipartisan bill to improve access to psychiatric care for our nation’s veterans.