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Congressman Larry Bucshon Comments on National Defense Authorization Act

Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN-08) released the following comment in regards to H.R. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  Congressman Bucshon voted against the NDAA, which passed by a vote of 283-136.

Congressman Bucshon (IN-08) states:

“Having worn the uniform myself, I will always support the men and women who volunteer to serve our country.  It is through their sacrifice that we are afforded the luxury of living in the freest nation the world has ever seen.  However, the National Defense Authorization Act contained unresolved constitutional issues concerning the rights of American citizens; the same rights provided within the Constitution of the United States that our soldiers have sworn to uphold and protect.  These unresolved constitutional concerns prevented me from supporting, in good conscience, the National Defense Authorization Act.

Since the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, I have co-sponsored legislation introduced by Congressman Jeff Landry of Louisiana, which would explicitly prohibit the detention of American citizens against their will without affording all rights of due process established under Article III of the Constitution.”    
