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Dr. Bucshon’s Statement on 4.1% GDP Growth in Second Quarter of 2018

(Washington, D.C.) –
Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) released the following statement after the Bureau of Economic Analysis released its report on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in the second quarter of 2018:

“Two years ago, House Republicans unveiled the Better Way agenda. At that time, we made a promise to the American people that if we were given the chance to lead and implement this agenda, Americans would not have to accept the stagnant economic growth, stagnant wages, higher taxes, and burdensome regulations that the Obama Administration and Washington liberals told them was the future we all had to settle for. 

“Working with President Trump, we have put in the hard-work to fulfill our promises to the American people. We’ve been implementing our agenda by cutting taxes, rolling back burdensome regulations, and empowering consumers. As a result, our economy is once again roaring – reaching an impressive rate of growth of 4.1 percent this past quarter. While Americans are better off now as a result of our pro-growth policies, we still have more work to do to continue strengthening our economy, growing paychecks, reducing healthcare costs and helping hardworking American families get ahead.”