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Dr. Bucshon's Statement on Trade Promotion Authority

On Thursday, Eighth District Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. voted to pass Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), legislation that establishes and exerts Congressional authority over the process by which the Administration can negotiate and consider trade agreements. 

“To be clear, TPA is not a trade agreement. TPA is legislation that asserts the will of Congress and the American people on any potential trade agreement negotiated by the Administration. I don’t believe the President should have the authority to negotiate a trade deal without input from Congress or American workers. I also firmly believe the American people have the right to review any potential trade agreement negotiated by the President before it’s considered by Congress. I support TPA for these reasons. It allows Congress to set what the President can or can’t negotiate, ensures the American people can review any agreement for 60 days before it reaches Congress, and gives Congress an up or down vote,” said Bucshon. “Free and fair trade is critical to Indiana’s economy. It allows our farmers and manufacturers to grow and make products right here in Indiana that will be sold around the world. Trade exerts American leadership around the world, it helps create American jobs, and it grows the wages of workers. One in five Hoosier jobs is linked to trade; we can expand and support those jobs by opening up Indiana-made products to foreign markets that house 96 percent of the world’s consumers.”   


Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) is not a trade agreement. Instead, TPA establishes the process by which the Administration can negotiate and consider trade agreements and is needed in order for U.S. trade negotiators to get the best deal possible for the American worker.  

TPA asserts Congressional priorities and prerogatives into trade negotiations by establishing nearly 150 negotiating objectives.  To ensure transparency, TPA will require that the President make any trade agreement public to the American people for sixty days before it can be submitted to Congress. The House of Representatives can turn-off TPA if the House determines the proposed agreement has not met the negotiating objectives. Finally, TPA makes sure that Congress has an up or down vote on any final agreement. 

Every President since FDR has been granted TPA or a similar policy to negotiate trade agreements. 

TPA highlights: 

  • Sets 150 Congressionally-mandated negotiating objectives, including prohibitions on policies related to immigration and climate change;
  • Establishes robust consultation and access to information requirements before, during, and after negotiations that ensure an open and transparent process for Members of Congress and the American people;
  • Gives Congress authority to remove TPA procedures if the Administration fails to meet TPA requirements; 
  • Ensures the American people can review any agreement for 60 days before it reaches Congress;
  • Gives Congress the final say in approving or disapproving trade agreements.

Extensive background on TPA, including statements of support and full text of the bill, can be found here.

Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. is a physician and Republican member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee serving his third term representing Indiana's 8th Congressional district. The 8th District of Indiana includes all or parts of Clay, Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Gibson, Greene, Knox, Martin, Owen, Parke, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Sullivan, Vanderburgh, Vermillion, Vigo, and Warrick counties.