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Dr. Bucshon Opposes House Democrats’ Continued Efforts to Play Politics with Border Security and Immigration Reform

(Washington, D.C.) –
Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 6, an expensive, partisan show vote that does nothing to solve our broken immigration system:

With each passing month, the crisis along our southern border grows worse – with Customs and Border Protection apprehending an average of 4,500 people per day over the last month – and continues to threaten our national security. Criminals are taking advantage of our broken immigration system by using loopholes in our laws to traffic drugs and humans across the border. Now, instead of working in a bipartisan manner to stop the humanitarian crisis, secure our border and reform our immigration laws, Democrats have introduced a completely partisan bill that  has no chance of passing the Senate or being signed into law by the President. 

“This flawed bill  not only fails to address the actual crisis on our southern border, but it would exacerbate it by providing mass amnesty and incentivize even more illegal immigration. Instead of yet another messaging bill that is designed to maximize the political advantage for House Democrats and devoid of actual solutions, we need to work together to advance a serious solution to address the humanitarian crisis on our southern border. This pointless vote only serves to benefit the drug and human traffickers that put our communities and innocent people in danger, and prolong the drain on American taxpayer resources needed to deal with those who cross our southern border illegally.”


·       Makes millions of illegal immigrants eligible for amnesty, far exceeding the roughly 700,000 DACA recipients.
·       The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated the combined cost of H.R. 6 to be $34.6 billion. Democrats have not found a way to pay for this.
·       H.R. 6 does not include money for border security. It does not close loopholes or reform asylum laws.
·       Provides a path to citizenship for criminals. Applicants with several misdemeanor convictions can obtain a green card, even if the misdemeanors were violent and resulted in death or bodily injury.
·       Gives illegal immigrants a special pathway to citizenship that is unavailable to legal immigrants.