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Dr. Bucshon Votes Against Democrats’ Misappropriated Funding Bill

(Washington, D.C.) – Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 2740, a partisan $1 trillion package of spending bills that are fiscally irresponsible and fail to address important priorities of the American people:

“While this appropriations bill provides some funding for vital parts of the federal government, it fails to adequately fund key priorities which is why I do not support it. House Democrats have neglected important national defense priorities, failed to address the humanitarian and security crisis at the Southern border, reversed pro-life provisions, and have propped up the ever failing Obamacare.

“If this first appropriations bill by House Democrats is an indication of what is to come, then we are in serious trouble of over-spending on priorities that are wrong for America, while underfunding priorities that are important to the American people. Instead of continuing down this partisan path to nowhere, I urge House Democrats to consider the long-term consequences of this shortsighted spending package.” 


Neglects Defense Priorities

·       Cuts Defense Department procurement by $4.8 billion below the FY19 level

·       Funds Defense Department research and development $2.2 billion below the President’s request, which negatively impacts our ability to keep pace with Russia and China

·       Underfunds Department of Energy weapons programs that maintain and modernize our nuclear weapons stockpile

·       Repeals the Authorization of Use of Military Force (AUMF), which would jeopardize the Defense Department’s ability to conduct counterterrorism operations worldwide

Fails to Address the Humanitarian and Security Crisis at the Border

·       Fails to sufficiently fund the immediate requirements of caring for unaccompanied children arriving at the southern border

·       Prohibits funding for the border wall or any barriers

Reverses Pro-Life Provisions

·       Forces the Administration to make grants to Planned Parenthood clinics

·       Micromanages the Administration by blocking pro-life rules from going into effect

Props Up Failing Obamacare

·       Directs $100 million to ineffective outreach programs for failed Obamacare (Navigator grants)

Fiscally Irresponsible Spending Levels

·       This bill, along with other appropriations bills, have been written by House Democrats to a spending level that is $176 billion above the current budget caps.  Absent a budget agreement to life the caps, these bills could lead to sequestration – which would be devastating to our military and many other important priorities.