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Dr. Bucshon Sends Letter to Secretary Perdue in Support of Hoosier Farmers

(Washington, D.C.) –
Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) joined Hoosier Senators Young and Braun, along with the majority of Hoosier Representatives on a letter to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Perdue expressing concern about the planting season due to high levels of rain and urging swift action to help Hoosier farmers hurt by this year’s weather events.

As the tenth largest farming state in the nation, it is important for both the country and for Hoosiers that we protect our farmers. They produce the food, fuel, and fiber that our nation depends on. While the weather may not be predictable, our efforts to help our farmers get through these tough times are within our control. I’m proud to stand strong with our farmers and our rural communities across the state in their time of need.”



Letter to USDA Secretary Perdue

·       Agriculture contributes an estimated $31.2 billion to Indiana’s economy.

·       Indiana is the eighth largest agricultural exporter in the nation, exporting just over $4.6 billion in 2017.

·       Indiana farmers planted 936,000 acres of cover crops in 2017, which is the third highest in the nation.